Posts tagged systems thinking
The Antidote to Expert Bias: Human-centered Co-design WITH Experts

When those closest to the problems feel (and actually are) heard, respected, appreciated, and supported, the groundwork for a mutually-beneficial strategic partnership is laid. In such a partnership, both parties are deeply invested in collaboratively solving problems, creating a more effective, empowered, and sustainable healthcare ecosystem.

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With Great Success Comes Great Sacrifice

I have some great news about something my phenomenal wife has accomplished! But bear with me for a second because news like this doesn’t happen easily nor without sacrifices. And, as a human-centered designer highly focused on impacting systemic and structural change in health care (and beyond) through holistic and honest conversations, I want to point out a few things first. 

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Eight Mindsets for Making an Impact

Our mindsets set the tone for how we create value for and with clients and partners. It’s not just about a hand-off of expertise codified in a deliverable but a transference of new ways of working, transformative mindsets, and design methods that can lead to more sustainable change for those ultimately responsible for it. We share eight mindsets that drive us and create value with collaborators.

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